
Support for School Teachers | Teacher Retention
Our teachers, paraprofessionals, and support staff are on the frontlines to shape and mold our future generations. They are worthy of a well-deserved pay equity (with benefits), a fair and transparent teacher evaluation system, protection of their individual and collective bargaining rights, self-advocacy, and advocacy for their students without retaliation. As a community, teachers must be heard, and supported in their valiant efforts to educate our students. Teacher burn-out is a reality. As a result, teachers cannot be saddled with the primary responsibility of being “everything” to the students, without parental participation in the well-being of the student. The success of our students relies on the proper balance and cohesion of parental, teacher, and community support.

Quality Education | STEAM, Occupational and Vocational Education
It is imperative that every student receives a quality education by means of a robust curriculum, establishing a firm foundation in the core subjects: mathematics, science, language arts, history, social sciences, language immersion, artistic and cultural enrichment. While there are many pathways to a sustainable career, college isn’t the only option. Based on workforce demands, focus should be placed on expanding access to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics), language immersion, occupational and vocational pipeline programs which avails student access to viable skills to propel them to a sustainable career path whether it’s in the workforce or entrepreneurship, whichever they choose. There are multiple pathways to a successful career.

School Safety | Safe Passage | Transportation
Public safety is a city-wide concern that requires the alignment of district government agencies, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and District residents. School safety is predicated on the city’s public safety implementation. We must ensure every student is safe while in the school environment and safe passage when students travel from home to school and their return home. Each school must have coalition building with surrounding communities through Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANC), civic associations, and MPD with focus on school safety.

Transportation is an integral part of safe passage. While WMATA is the primary mode of transportation for most students traveling to and from school, Ward 7 students travel, on average, more than three miles to get to school. Strong advocacy for the WMATA bus routes is essential because Ward 7 students and families depend on them as the primary mode of transportation to and from school. #WMATAIsOurSchoolBus

Special Education
Special Education or SPED is too often an after-thought in educational discussions. Parents must be kept informed of their children’s rights as a SPED student. Parents and guardians should be on a regular basis connected to information, programs, and resources on how to support their children’s learning, mental and behavioral health support, cultural enrichment, and overall well-being and development. SPED students must have certified and trained teachers who work with the parents to ensure student learning.

Returning Citizens
Returning Citizens are a part of the community. Education is the antidote to recidivism, through opportunities like job training, certificate programs, apprenticeships, internships, and entrepreneurship. There are district government programs, faith-based programs, colleges and universities that have specialty programs designed to assist returning citizens in successfully re- entering the community. There should be a portfolio of opportunities for returning citizens and a community to welcome them back into the fold. Policies can be expanded to drive “hand up” opportunities and resources to meet industry positions that are in demand.